We strongly believe there should be no overwhelming barriers to receive food assistance. We serve everyone that comes through our doors and we have no income guidelines. We understand the critical step of confidence it takes to walk into our facility and we will always meet you where your journey is.
We do ask for an ID, or a sheet of paper with a current address or some form of identification. If no form of identification is given, a limited amount of food is still available.
Frequently Asked Questions
First time to The Helping Hand of Warren County? What do I do?
First time visitors to our facility will fill out a very short and simple 2 page questionnaire regarding certain demographics. The results of this paperwork helps our organization to write grants, receive funding from the government and prepare statements that support our cause. Each member of the household must have a completed form on file.
How much food will I receive?
The amount of food you will receive is dependent on the size of your family, cold storage space, transportation needs and your ability to access other food pantries. You have the option of having your groceries delivered to your car or coming in and shopping for the food yourself. You will be given 1 full order of food per month with anytime food available every day the pantry is open for service to the public.
How often can I get food?
You can receive one full food order per household each month.
What if I need additional food during the month?
If you need additional help during the month, we offer “anytime food,” a smaller selection of items available at any time. We won’t turn anyone away in urgent need.
What is anytime food?
Anytime food consists of overflow food in the pantry such as food recovery sandwiches,hamburgers, breakfast food and vegetables and fruit from local farmers. Any time food willchange daily depending on our food recovery partnerships and teams.
What if Transportation is a barrier?
We understand that transportation is a huge barrier in Warren County to receive services so if you are biking or walking, your order can be adjusted to how much you can carry and you may break up your monthly order into smaller amounts due to a limited amount of carrying space.
Can I pick up food for a community member?
We do allow community members to pick up food orders for other individuals and families that are medically fragile, have limited access to transportation or round the clock caregivers. Please be ready to provide name, address and date of birth of the community member requesting food so we can log them into the system
Do I need an appointment to access the food pantry?
No appointment is necessary. You can visit during regular pantry hours.

Community Refrigerators
The purpose of the community refrigerators is to provide equal access to nutritious food throughout Warren County for all people. Please visit one of our refrigerators and take what you will use.
Thank you for helping us decrease food waste and food insecurity.
Indianola Public Library
Simpson College Campus
Milo Locker
Lacona Public Library
Truro Public Library

We are pleased to provide a personal care pantry for our clients that use our food pantry. The personal care pantry is located inside our food pantry and is made possible by the many donations we receive.Common items you will find at our Personal Care Pantry: shampoo, deodorant, dish soap, laundry soap, hand soap, feminane products, diapers and toothpaste.