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Warren County General Assistance

OPEN M-F 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Appointments are recommended. Rental assistance, car gas for job searching, utility assistance (must have a disconnect and made payments), medical, dental, and prescription assistance, as well as information and referral for such needs.

1007 S. Jefferson Way

Indianola, IA

IMPACT - Community Action Partnership

OPEN M & W 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Provides utility and rent assistance, home maintenance and other services for low-income families.
LIHEAP – Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and Weatherization Assistance Program with help for elderly (over 60) and disabled citizens. Other families may need to qualify.


109 E Clinton Ave

Indianola, Iowa

WeLift Job Search Center

OPEN T-TH 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Sue and her team will use your skills and strengths to help you create your resume, apply for jobs online in their computer lab, send you emails when jobs are available and help coordinate your job seeking opportunities


106 East 2nd Ave.

Indianola, Iowa

Central Iowa Shelter and Services

A shelter in the Central Iowa area that is open to all Iowans and provides emergency housing, food as people start to work towards stability with the help of their case managers and housing departments.


1420 Mulberry Street

Des Moines, Iowa

Warren County Housing Authority

Open T-F 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Learn about qualifications for low income housing as well as get your application to apply online.


1305 East First Ave

Indianola, Iowa

Short Years Partnership

The Short Years Diaper Bank (SYDB) provides supplemental diapers to qualifying families in our Parents as Teachers program across all our service counties (Dallas, Madison, Warren, Marion, & Jasper), as well as to the qualifying public in Warren, Madison, and Marion county. ​


515 N Jefferson Way Suite I
Indianola, Iowa

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